I was at Borders in Overland Park recently buying a Jodi Picoult novel for my eldest daughter (
Nineteen Minutes, which debuted last year at #1 on the
Times list) when I passed the prominent New Paperback table in the center of the store and there they were: My
Indiana Jones novels. It has always made me feel a bit surreal to see my books on display, and being confronted by my cycle of Indy adventures, with the new covers with the raised lettering, magnified the effect. Then, on the way back home to Emporia, I stopped at a Dillon's store for a half-gallon of milk and again I passed the Indy books, in the middle of shelf of paperbacks you pass before you get to the checkout. Now, I suppose this should no longer surprise me. I knew Random House was bringing back the novels in time for the release of Indy IV. But I didn't think they'd be everywhere. No, it's not like debuting at the top of the
Times list. But it's not like selling books out of the trunk of your car, either.
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